
Boletim Bomfim Nº55 - Abril a Junho 21 Fundação Bomfim Braga IPSS Minilares Bomfim Casas acolhimento

Bomfim Newsletter Nº55 – April to June

BOMFIM NEWSLETTER Nº55 For the coming quarter, we have prepared a special content on one of the social responses that most needs by its nature: children and young people in foster care. This project is at the heart of the Bomfim Foundation and for it we have fought to keep

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Projecto Reescrever o Nosso Bairro Braga Conservatório Bomfim

Project (Re)write Our Neighborhood

Effective social inclusion (Re)Writing Our Neighborhood is a three-year project, promoted and coordinated by the Municipality of Braga,which brings together a set of initiatives that seek to promote the effective inclusion of communities living in three social neighborhoods in Braga: Social Neighborhood of Enguardas, Social Neighborhood of Santa Tecla and

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Boletim Bomfim Nº54 - Janeiro a Março 21 Fundação Bomfim Braga IPSS Conto de Natal

Bomfim Newsletter Nº54 – January to March

BOMFIM NEWSLETTER Nº54 We invite you to read a short story by our children at Bomfim College and see how the beauty of Christmas is in the simplicity of your message. So we celebrate with you this Christmas season in a well-disposed and special way. Good reading and a blessed

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