Bomfim Foster Homes


Our specialty is to take care of each child as a unique and special being, taking into account their well-being.

Specially designed to welcome siblings, Bomfim Foster Homes are two RESIDENTIAL HOUSES for children and young people up to 18 years or, if they wish and can, up to 25 years. These children and young people are in situations of danger or social vulnerability and are therefore temporarily separated from their families by order of the child and youth authorities, based on the implementation of measures to promote and protect them.

Bomfim Foster Homes are Houses of Affection, a place where every child and young person finds emotional stability, security and affection and sees the response to their individual needs assured in a context as close as possible to their family structure. Whenever possible, we try to keep brothers and sisters together, preventing them from being welcomed into different institutions. Bomfim Foster Homes are also places of (re)building lives and families, where family reunification is our primary goal in our planned intervention with the child, young person and their families.





We care with much love 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.



Healthy and diverse eating
Medical follow-up
Good sleep hygiene
Sports activities



Psychological follow-up
Parental mediation
Education of emotions
Pedagogical social and playful activities



School follow-up
Support for individual study
Activities that enhance
learning and development



Transmission of values and conducts
by modeling and daily sharing
Church activities
Youth groups

testemunhos Minilares Bomfim Fundação Braga IPSS The determination, professionalism and love that the team shows for with children and young people it fills my heart, allows me too get to know this “family” that does everything for happiness and love be the ingredients present in their lives. This is the my motto and makes me deliver body and soul and be available and ready to help, guide anyone who needs to hear my words of guidance. An experience of mutual mutual and that I appreciate have crossed my path. An excellent work developed by the Bomfim Foundation. Antónia Ruivo - Psychologist in AMAR21 testemunhos Minilares Bomfim Fundação Braga IPSS When in September I accepted this challenge, maybe one of the biggest in my life as a teacher, I could not imagine how much I would love every moment with these boys. The Minilars are places of affection and growth where each child is unique and special. In this new normal, what most caught my attention is that it is a place where love is not confined. Every child has in Minilares a real family. As for the challenge of the Home Plan, was realizing that working with these boys is much more than guide study, it is to accompany each one in the day-to-day victories, savoring with them every obstacle overcome. It's learning to be resilient and moving forward, that's the biggest lesson each one of them gives us. Basically, being in Plano Casa is being willing to learn much more than teaching. My gratitude is immense for this whole experience and, when the year is over, I take you all in my heart. Aurora Teacher - Home Plan Project testemunhos Minilares Bomfim Fundação Braga IPSS We have in our classes many children and young people who have made the Bomfim Foster Homes their "home", where they live with all the physical conditions and, mainly, all the psychological conditions to face their arduous pasts. The knowledge I have about their work comes from the numerous situations that together we managed in partnership. These allow us to say that it is a team that carries out with exquisite art the mission of conducting/educating the children and young people who live in the Bomfim Foster Homes, respecting the individuality of each one and finding contextualized answers to each situation. The affection with which they are treated... the patience and understanding with which they are cared for in the moments when they go through winding roads... the maternal and confident concern at times when they need the comfort of a hug... the cleanliness of their presentation and the care with which they are fed... is passed on to the adults who interact with this group of children and young people. We are grateful for the excellent quality of affection/care they provide to our students. Celina Ferreira Teacher - Board Member in Real EB2/3 School testemunhos Minilares Bomfim Fundação Braga IPSS I came close to giving up on my life, I felt it wasn't worth it to go on without the two great loves of my life. I thought I would never make it but God enlightened my thinking and attitude, seeing the luck beyond the bad luck that happened to me. My children were lucky because they went to an institution - Bomfim Foster Homes, where people cared for them, played and cried with them. People who took care of my children as if they were their own. Who laughed with their jokes, who were saddened by their disappointments, who were proud when they worked hard and achieved something. But, above all, it was with this attitude that they also supported me during that time. They supported me physically and psychologically, because I knew that my children couldn't be better off in the Bomfim Foster Homes. This made me overcome all the barriers and fight so hard that finally I was able to stand up and fight with all my strength and hope to deserve to have my children with me again. Thank you so much! Adelaide - B. & B. mother testemunhos Minilares Bomfim Fundação Braga IPSS To me, Bomfim Foster Home is a cool and fun home! B. – One of our Bomfim Foster Home children

Did you know that the average stay duration of these children and young people with us is 4 to 5 years?

percentage young children Minilares Bomfim foster homes

are permanently in foster homes
are supported in their autonomy for adulthood
have been integrated into new families
were welcomed in other institutions
are with us in Bomfim Foster Homes
have been reintegrated into their biological families



In yours too? Help us!