February in Security


February was the month dedicated to the operationalization of our Internal Security Plan approved by the ANPC. (In)we form all employees on Self-Protection Measures, with particular emphasis on the evacuation procedures of the building! And to test the evacuation capacity and time of all users and employees, nothing better than by performing a Simulacrum.

The alarm went off at 10:45, the motive, gas leak! Without mishaps babies, children, elderly and collaborators were leaving the exits marked.

Promptly the Company of Firefighters Sapadores de Braga responded to the occurrence and ascertained the reason for the alarm.





All floors have been thoroughly checked and security procedures are checked.





All procedures have been completed and security has been reset!

Understanding parents and guardians, family members, residents and local merchants.
The open partnership of the Municipality of Braga.
The collaboration and kindness of firefighters sappers of Braga for their dedication and involvement in this activity, for the suggestions for improvement and for the moments of joy provided to our children.

Thank you to the Firefighters Sappers of Braga who daily save lives and promote our safety!