BOMFIM FOSTER HOMES are two residential homes for children and young people up to the age of 18, who are in danger or vulnerability and separated from their families. Here each of them finds emotional stability, security and the answer to their individual needs. This is where we make a difference. : )
BOMFIM FOSTER HOMES ARE AT THE HEART OF THE FOUNDATION OF BOMFIM, so we have joined the largest solidarity movement in the world – #GIVINGTUESDAY #GIVINGTUESDAYPT | 30 November – to give more to the children and young people we care for.
Are you going to be part of this worldwide movement? Don’t be indifferent to this wave of solidarity – become our friend – YOU&ME GIVE MORE! At Fundação Bomfim we value and esteem our friends because the realization of our projects depends on a simple gesture of friendship!
If you prefer, you can also give us a one time donation.
We guarantee that all support is a reason for gratitude to us! : )
Would you like to know more about Bomfim Foster Homes?
We show you everything.