Boletim Bomfim Nº56 - July to September 21 Bomfim Braga IPSS Foundation social education music old age

Bomfim Newsletter Nº56 – July to September


Notice to our readers: this edition of the bomfim newsletter contains high content of joy and beautiful memories. We warn that the opening of your content can raise adrenaline levels and provoke smiles or compulsive laughter.

We have prepared for all who accompany us a special selection of images to present you with the Best of 2020-2021!

In the end you will see that
the lightest things are the only ones
that the wind could not take:
an old stribilho
a affection at the precise moment
the leafing of a book of poems
the smell that one day had the wind itself…
Mario Quintana,
Brazilian poet, 1906-1994

Thank you for being a part of who we are.
Good reading!

Boletim Bomfim Nº56 - July to September 21 Bomfim Braga IPSS Foundation social education music old age